Seniorlines examines the added value of hospital treatment for people aged 70 and older. This project describes the health and health conditions of older patients admitted to the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). The data set contains demog...
General Design
- Type
- Cohort study
- Cohort type
- Clinical cohort
- Data collection type
- Prospective
- Design
- Longitudinal
- Design description
- Baseline assessment by face-to-face interview, using qualitative and quantitative research methods; (EEN en TWEE) Follow-up assessments three and twelve months after discharge by telephone; Hospital stay was at least two consecutive days. (DRIE) Face-to-face interview, during house visit. Qualitative and quantitative assessments. (physiological measurements)
- Start/End data collection
- 2015 until 2020
- Design papers
- Determinants of trajectories of fatigability and mobility among older medical patients during and after hospitalization; an explorative study.
- Goal-based outcomes of hospitalisation of older adults are predicted by gender, confidence, quality of life and type of goals.
- Goals of older hospitalised patients: a qualitative descriptive study.
- Reproducibility and responsiveness of the Frailty Index and Frailty Phenotype in older hospitalized patients.
- The decision-making process for unplanned admission to hospital unveiled in hospitalised older adults: a qualitative study.
- Translation and validation of the Dutch Pittsburgh Fatigability Scale for older adults.
- Countries
- Netherlands (the)
- Regions
- Drenthe, Friesland, Groningen
- Number of participants
- 1274
- Number of participants with samples
- 0
- Population age groups
- Aged (65+ years)
Lead organisations
- University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG)Netherlands (the)
Available Data & Samples
Data categories
- Survey data
- Medical records
- Physiological/Biochemical measurements
Areas of information
- Socio-demographic and economic characteristics
- Age/birthdate
- Sex/gender
- Marital/partner status
- Family and household structure
- Education
- Other socio-demographic and economic characteristics
- Lifestyle and behaviours
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Physical activity
- Personal hygiene
- Sleep
- Leisure activities
- Other and unspecified lifestyle information
- Perception of health, quality of life, development and functional limitations
- Perception of health
- Quality of life
- Functional limitations
- Use of assistive devices
- Other perception of health, quality of life and functional limitation-related information
- Medication and supplements
- Medication and supplement intake
- Non-pharmacological interventions
- Surgical interventions
- Health and community care services utilization
- Hospitalizations
- Community and social care
- Death
- Vital status
- Physical measures and assessments
- Physical characteristics
- Anthropometry
- Muscles, skeleton and mobility
- Sensory and pain
- Other physical measures and assessments
- Cognition, personality and psychological measures and assessments
- Cognitive functioning
- Psychological distress and emotions
- Life events, life plans, beliefs and values
- Beliefs and values
- Social environment and relationships
- Social network
- Social participation
- Social support
- Parenting and familial environment
- Administrative information
- Identifiers
- Date and time-related information
- Questionnaire and interview-related information
- Physical and cognitive measure and biosample-related information
List of subpopulations for this resource...
Name | Description | Number of participants |
Collection events
List of collection events defined for this resource...
Name | Description | Participants | Start end year |
Determinants of trajectories of fatigability and mobility among older medical patients during and after hospitalization; an explorative study.
Goal-based outcomes of hospitalisation of older adults are predicted by gender, confidence, quality of life and type of goals.
Goals of older hospitalised patients: a qualitative descriptive study.
Reproducibility and responsiveness of the Frailty Index and Frailty Phenotype in older hospitalized patients.
The decision-making process for unplanned admission to hospital unveiled in hospitalised older adults: a qualitative study.
Translation and validation of the Dutch Pittsburgh Fatigability Scale for older adults.
Access conditions
time limit: at least untill 2028; after that as long as Prof. Dr. B.C. van Munster is employed in UMCG....
- Data access conditions
- no restriction
- Data use conditions
- not for profit, non commercial use only
- collaboration required
- time limit on use
- Data access fee
- false
- Release type
- Closed dataset
- Linkage options
- Patient electronic health record (only by the Principal Investigator)
Funding & Acknowledgements
- Funding
- "Eerste geldstroom". (Non-commercial sponsored)
- Acknowledgements
- This research has been conducted using Seniorlines. [doi: 10.1186/s12877-021-02444-y] This is a prospective cohort study which aims to provide a better understanding of the added value of hospital treatment for people of at least 70 years. From 17-12-2015 until 30-1-2017 1225 participants of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) gave informed consent on enrolment. A detailed description of the design, inclusion and exclusion criteria has been described previously.