


Within the Center of Rehabilitation multidisciplinary treatment is provided to people with various physical disabilities and/or chronic diseases. During and in the context of this treatment, a lot of data is routinely collected. Rehablines is initiat...

General Design

Cohort type

Clinical cohort



Design description

Rehablines is a ‘further use databank’, in which routine clinical data will be collected and stored for future research.

Collection type


Start/End year

2023 - ongoing




Netherlands (the)


Flevoland, Overijssel, Drenthe, Friesland, Groningen

Number of participants


Number of participants with samples


Population age groups

All ages

Main medical condition
  • XVIII Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified
  • VI Diseases of the nervous system
  • IX Diseases of the circulatory system
  • ORPHAcodes
  • XIX Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes
  • XXI Factors influencing health status and contact with health services
  • XXII Codes for special purposes
  • X Diseases of the respiratory system
  • IV Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
Inclusion criteria
  • Health status inclusion criterion


  • prof. dr.  R. (Rienk) Dekker
  • dr.  L.A. (Leonie) Krops
  • dr.  K. (Klaske) van Kammen

Available Data & Samples

Data categories

  • Survey data
  • Medical records
  • Physiological/Biochemical measurements

Areas of information

  • Socio-demographic and economic characteristics
  • Health and community care services utilization
  • Lifestyle and behaviours
  • Perception of health, quality of life, development and functional limitations
  • Medication and supplements
  • Non-pharmacological interventions
  • Physical measures and assessments
  • Cognition, personality and psychological measures and assessments
  • Preschool, school and work life
  • Social environment and relationships
  • Administrative information


List of subcohorts or subpopulations for this resource...

Collection events

List of collection events defined for this resource...

Access conditions

Data access conditions

general research use

Data use conditions
  • collaboration required
Data access fee


Release type
  • Closed dataset
Linkage options

Under the informed consent procedure of Rehablines, data linkage with other regestries is permitted. This includes for instance other UMCG cohorts, BRP, CBS and VEKTIS data.

Funding & Acknowledgements


The development of Rehablines is funded by UMCG Center for Rehabilitation, and grants from Stichting Beatrixoord Noord Nederland and the Dutch Research Council (20530).